Sunday, January 21, 2007

What is the Giant Trevally?

For the 3 years that I have been here, I have always wondered what that infatuation is with the Giant Trevally or Ulua? I also have always wanted to go on a fishing trip and catch this infamous Ulua! So my question is what is the ulua? And what make it so special?

The Great Trevally (Caranx ignobilis) is one of the main predators of the coastal waters here in Hawaii. It feeds on the smaller reef fish and are most active just after sunset. Some Ulua fisherman customize thier own pole, which ranges from 10 - 15ft. The Giant Trevally can range from 10lbs. to over 190lbs!!! Anything below 10lbs. is called a Papio

One of the main reasons that the Ulua is so charished here is Hawaii is because, "the ulua played an important role in ancient Hawaiian culture and were often fished for food and sport. Still today the ulua are the most prized fish to catch when fishing in Hawaii from shore because of their ability to give a long hard fight."

Here's how to get more info on the Great Trevally!

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